It is compatible with the Kubota ZD21 and ZD28 models and made of durable alloy steel. This hydro pump is perfect for those looking to upgrade their mower’s performance.
All the tractor information is listed in the “Item Specifics” section. What you see pictured is what you get. If two are picture, you get two pieces, etc. If they are not pictured/listed, we do not have them.
Right Rear Drive Motor & Transaxle with brake. As shown in photos. From unused Ryobi 54 Z54li 80v Zero Turn Mower. To UPS deliverable addresses in the Lower 48 ONLY.
Slave Rear Wheel Drive (Right) Motor Controller. Tested & Fully Functional. As shown in photos. For Ryobi 42 ZT480ex 48v Zero Turn Mower. This is the inboard one -see photos. Please note these are series motors & cannot be tested just using a battery.
Right Rear Drive Motor with Hub, Transmission & Brake. Tested & Fully Functional. As shown in photos. For Ryobi 42 ZT480ex 48v Zero Turn Mower. Fluid Level in transmission must be checked at install. To addresses in the US Lower 48 ONLY. Please note these are series motors & cannot be tested just using a battery.